Lihuen's Room

"When you are born in the goo, can you be blamed for being coverd in slime?"

-Art Chad


My name is Lihuen, Im from Cordoba, Argentina, im 18 years old and I really like strawberry milkshakes. I am a MAN, I like MAN THINGS, like FOOTBALL, and ART, and INTERNET CULTURE. I'm an aspiring normal person.

I'm a fan of football team Racing de Cordoba, don't confuse it with Racing Club which is from Buenos Aires (cringe).

I dream of having my own house and a job that I actually like. As well as many friends, a minimum of 5 maybe. I would also like to have my own PC. I'm not a PC builder or even a regular user of one, I just want it to be able to run Minecraft smoothly with 32 chunks render distance. Then I'll have a beautiful server with the previous friends I mentioned. I don't know about you, but I think that's pretty doable.

I'm currently taking a gap year after graduating high school, however I seem to be sepnding my time doing useless shit like making this site rather than figuring out what to do next. Time is ticking :)))))). But is not all wasted time though. I've been working out consistently for the past year at home with my dad as a sponsor, who supllied me with dumbells (and a HUMONGOUS multigym machine that I had to tell him it was too much and so we sold it). That plus a cardio bike we already had have been fundamental in my physical progress. I currently am 165cm (5'4) and 53kg (116lbs). Rather little by most standards but I have a nice definition along with a good frame so I don't worry a lot.

Personality traits

Photography by me

Favorite music

YouTube Channels I Recommend

Art Chad


JJ McCullough

Solar Sands

Daniel Hentschel


Alex Meyers

He talks about, art, philosophy, culture. He has amazing insights into what it's like being Gen-Z in modern times. Altough the thumbnails of his videos seem pessimistic you'll be left with an overwhelming will to live after watching. Give it a try. Bangers include: Why Gen-Z took the Black Pill, How Art became usless and Gen-Z Men will be destroyed by the Red Pill.

Community lover, computer hater, master of irony. It's best to explore his channel unspoiled. If you want to start somwhere start here or here or even here. There are videos with a deeper message than the ones I showed you here but you are not ready yet

With his distinct flashy, cute and informative videos he will educate you on what he describes as the 3 C's.

  • Culture: You'll gain cultural literacy about different subjects that'll help you understand the world a bit better.
  • Countries: From flags, to politics, to international drama.
  • Canada: he is the man to learn all about the northern nation. From its history, culture, politics, current events and it's weird complex with America.

His videos will often be about a concept an author or a piece related to art. Then he'll delve into it with a really captivating writing and smooth editing.

Jack Again! He's not only a musician, hes a pretty skilled visual artist as well. His pieces of media are weird, unexplainable and yet still very addicting. He has also made some great animations for Adult Swim. So... would you like wacky?, disturbing? or cute?

Funny animated reaction/review of really dumb and wacky TV Shows and Movies. It's really my comfort channel as I tend to watch his videos when i'm feeling sad. Watch him make fun of your favorite show or movie.